Our math question was the faces of a cube are labels 1, 2,2,3,4 and 5. The number cube is rolled 114 times how many times would you expect the number 2 to appear. To solve this question what our group did was first we broke down our question in fractions and percentages then we got the idea of if there were 6 sides of the cube and 2 is labeled 2 then we made a fraction of 2/6 but we simplified it down to 1/3.So we took that as the chances of landing on 2. Then from 1/3 converted it into a percentage of 33.3 % from there we realized that if you multiplied 35 x 3 you would get 105 so we thought that if we kept making the number bigger and multiplying it by 3 we could slowly get to 114 then our final number was 38 x 3 and we got 114. Our back up strategy was to divide 3 into 114 and we got 38 so we knew that the answer was 38 so if we rolled the cube 114 times the number 2 would appear 38 times. At the end of our discussion re found out that this question w
as trying to get us to use fractions and percentages.
35x3= 105
group6 did a really good job I understand the whole entire process and agree with their answer good job group6.|:]BOBBIE
ReplyDeleteIt takes this group 4 trys to solve this question. Good, but no statgey, next time they should use info, what, show, and state to help them. They should not think because it is not easy to solve the question faster that is why information helps you more.
this question was really hard but you guys figured it out so good job. i agree with your answer but i disagree with the fact that you didn't use info, what and show like randy said it would improve you answer by a lot. KANE
ReplyDeleteThanks Randy and Kane for the info, what, show and state strategy. Our group was deciding if we should use the info, what, show and state but in the end we came to the conclusion that we shouldn't. We didn't think that it would be most appropriate for this question. I know that it is a good strategy to use for other questions and it may help with the Chocolongo challenge. It will also help us if we ever come across a question in the future grades. I think that my group made the best decision for this question and will have to decide to whether to use this strategy in the Chocolongo problem. Salim